Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Learned Something

Tonight I stood outside and watched the snow falling around me. I know that it's not the kind of thing that people often to and expect to learn, but I did. I stood there, soul searching, wondering what it was that I was missing, what it could be that I didn't get. As I stood there, deep in thought, I took note of all the beauty, of all the splendor found in such a thing as snow. I began to think of all the small miracles that were happening around me, of all the wonders which I had always taken for granted.
While I was in this daze, this effective coma, I opened my mouth ever so slightly, without even thinking of it. A snowflake hit my tongue, not a large one, or a perfect one. It was simple and plain, so far as snowflakes go. I dismissed it.
I waited, and looking back on that one snowflake, I had hoped that another, more grand snowflake would hit my tongue. That was the perfect moment that I was looking for. I waited, and waited, and waited. No other ever came to my lips, much less my tongue. I struggled; I twisted and contorted, trying to get that one perfect snowflake.
No flake came to my lips. Instead, what came was a word, "Already." I had already had that one perfect moment, yet I dismissed it entirely. Perfection had already come to my lips, but I was so busy drowning in my own thoughts, in my own questions, in my narcissism, that I had scarcely noticed, much less appreciated that moment.
There it was, my moment of perfect realization. In that instant I realized that all along, whilst I've been complaining and searching, everything has been perfect. It always has been and always will be. Everything I have seen, touched, felt has been perfect, and I just never noticed it. As I sit at my computer at 1:34AM, writing this small tribute to an idea that I can never convey in its entirety, I know that it is still perfect. I know that I am perfect, that you are perfect, that this small time which I hold even now is perfect.
Why, why is this all so perfect?
I'll tell you why. It's perfect becau...

No, it doesn't need a reason.
It does not need an explanation.
Perfection simply is.