Sunday, June 3, 2007

Here Now Lies Concordance

I was rooting around through a few of my old writings, and I found a little story I'd written a while back. I don't quite remember when. Maybe it was a year ago, maybe more.

Here now lies concordance...

The car stood motionless in in it's grave, an artificial pyre with no one to drive it. The whole city followed suit, with no one there to manage the flames. It was obvious why there was no driver, no warriors trying to quell the riotous fire; the city was a vast cemetery, where the dead did not rest easily. The dying skyscrapers twisted and contorted into monstrous burning fingers, scratching at the clouds. Entire blocks of the ruined city became the molten hands of the dead, clutching at the sky for something, anything to hold on to. With the screams of warping metal, even these monolithic beasts of steel lost the struggle for life, and with their last breaths they collapsed to the burning earth below.
We stood motionless, watching the city die, both entranced by the enormity of this destruction, and sobered by the knowledge that it was our doing. From the corner of my eye, I saw her turn to look at me. "Fire purifies." she told me. Without facing her I gave the same three words that I had said countless times that night, "No, fire destroys." This dialog had become our mantra.
This time, however, it struck something deep inside of her. She pulled me around, so that we were face to face. I was no longer staring at the city but instead at the growing inferno of hatred in her eyes. I had hoped this would stave her appetite, this destruction, but it seemed to have only given her a taste of blood. Now she wanted more. I could see her madness growing, her hunger, her desire. Lit by the burning wreckage, she was truly something to behold. I believed that in that very instant she could have been the Angel of Death.
She told me one last time, "Fire purifies." I did not bother responding this time, but hugged her tight to me. With her small body against mine, I did the only thing I could think to do, the only thing that seemed right.

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